It may sound like an excuse, but in actual fact I have been experimenting with recognised processes of training human physiology. The theory goes that in a given microcycle we often integrate a range of activities aimed at improving specific aspects of aerobic capacity.
In a given session we my overload the bodies system with a long slow training session, drawing on the conventions of continuous training. On other days we may look to mix it up with intervals to extend the point at which we jump over our anaerobic threshold. Then finally (my 9/10 elective classes fav) we throw in some FARTlek sessions to keep it interesting and a touch random.
Why not take these concepts and expand them through to the planning of microcycles with a focus on these training methods within a larger macro. That is to say for a number of weeks I have run through a theme of continuous training in the micro cycle. Some might simply call this turning up with consistency.
However I disagree to a point of implementation. This week I have planned an interval microcycle. That is I will train through a session then replace numerous normal sessions with periods of recovery. That is not missing training but recovering.
As a theory I like it. I do need to explore concepts of intensity in training session completed (I mean planned activity sessions as opposed to recovery sessions, passive recovery that is)
Monday 16th February 2009
No MonRun with the Gnomes as it was pouring (up until 3.29pm anyway). Was suitably harassed by Olive for the no show. Tried to explain the interval training in microcycles theory but not cigar.
Got to the Brook for 5pm swim. Sleep Train convinced me that in this theory sessions should increase i intensity so embarked on a ridiculous main set of 10 times 100's (BROKEN DOWN 50 FREE ON 45SEC AND 50 BUTTERFLY ON 1MIN). Abs still complaining 1 week latter.
Tuesday 17th February
Blue Mts Marathon clinic run from the round house. Sleep Train trying to convince us he is a council employee who works and insisted on starting at 5.45am to be at a meeting. No one believes him. A very dark descent into Sun Valley with Dr Phil & Time Dwards racing into the darkness at non sanctioned speeds.
Almost had my lungs fall out today on climb out of Sun Valley. No fun running with chest infections.
Wednesday 18th February 2009
One of those planned passive recovery sessions in the application of interval training to a microcycle. No AM swim
Same for what was the usual M7 cycle in PM. It was passive recovery not a missed session.
Thursday 19th February
Blue Mts Marathon Clinic hit the all new Thursday run as established by Sleep Train & myself last week or the week before. From mansion on Marshall through Ossie Pyrenees, Lennox Bridge to lookout one to lookout two via link track down the Wholohan stair well to Knapsack Bridge, past base Mitchell's along side railway track to Base old Bathurst Rd, up fire trail to gully track then up it. Home from top Old Bathurst.
Combined reasons of his absents and love of all things steep and uneven. This run is here to be known as Wholies Fear. greatly enjoyed by Sleep train, Time Dwards, Dr Phil & myself.
Friday 20th February 2009
Swim Am, let's make it one of those passive recovery things.
PM 1st Mt Bike with Nepean Gnomes for 2009. Managed to get enough punctures to deplete spares supply to negative one tubes. Fortunately it was I who had to limp home on a slowly deflating tube.
We some how managed to introduce the normally water based aspect of a portage into a Mt Bike ride. Why would you put a fence there anyway? Gnomes had a ball biggest turn out for some years and all went home covered in mud.
Saturday & Sunday 21st & 22nd February
I love these 'recovery days' in the interval process. Can't wait to reap the rewards for breaking new ground in advance training techniques. The way I'm looking at it the more recovery sessions I plan the better things have to be!
Think about that on your next LSD trip! (Back to non funny 1992 Im a cool runner jokes)
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
When Scambullant Turns Into The Wicked Witch Of The West
The rule is clear, you can certainly excuse yourself from a training session. However only if you have never used your current excuse before. It is fair to say with my particularly inconsistent training patterns that creativity has been the name of the game for some years now and even then most often I fall back onto the acceptance of verbal harassment for not good enough and pull out "I don't train if it's precipitating".
Monday 2nd February 2009
First day back for the MonRun. It may have been the fact that it was 35-40 degrees but could not entice any gnomes out to join us. 5 teachers went round the bridges though and all made it back having made use of the plenitude of taps and bublers found round Nepean Ave and River Rd. Backed up with a swim at the Brook after, but only found GPB there on arrival. This combined with my attempt to sink a young learn to swimmer through the process of knocking him out with a headbutt (freestyle induced) kept the distance down for the swim (maybe 1.5km).
Tuesday 3rd February 2009
Dr Phil, Sleep Train & I from the round house on the Spurwood to Sun Valley Circuit. After all my attempts still cant lure Sleep Train into a clockwise circuit! It was noted following our run that there appears to be a significant correlation between Sleep Train referring to his easy runs and my being present for said session. Was bought up and briefly discussed. end result an invitation to a hard session I know I will find an excuse for.
Wednesday 4th February 2009
Morning swim at the Brook. No one else around so I can say I did what ever I like. Lets make it 4km (maybe 2). Would bring up slackness of other members of Lower Blue Mts Marathon Clinic but have in mind my entry for the week that follows this.
Joined Sleep Train and GPB at Toll car park for our 30kms ride along M7 cycle way in arvo. This must be the first ride without 40 degrees or thunder storms. It is actually quite a nice place to ride. Must be noted I no longer expect to see Professor Physiology, so next time he turns up I will get a tremendous surprise.
Thursday 5th February 2009
Morning run from the mansion on marshall. Tried out a new version of basic hill circuit today. Knowing that Sleep Train is always up for a new run (provided it is not on the Tuesday Sleep Train time slot). Headed out towards the twin lookouts following rd to down Mitchells Pass to Lennox Bridge and looping round single track to Marges (or Elizabeth) then tacking link track to Elizabeth (or Marges). From here down steps to Knapsack Bridge down path to bottom of Mitchells and onto Railway access track across to bottom of Old Bathurst Rd. Followed Mt Bike tracks up to top, but ventured up the valley track for the first time rather than drifting out towards the road. A much better track hugging the creek bed (all be it rather dry) up to the top. then home. Will definitely enjoy hearing Mr Crickets expletives when I trick him up this one.
Friday 6th February 2009
Some excuse about Japanese visitors at school yesterday and ridiculous heat. It was new so it counted. No training.
Saturday 7th February
We were joined by Mts running royalty today.
Drove to Dr Phils to begin our run. A trip back in time to reconstruct my first ever encounter with Bullants. Dr Phil, Sleep Train & I were accompanied by not 1 but 2 Dongas today. Out to Martins Lookout down and up to Gunyan and Lost World Lookout along ridge to St Helenas Crater and onto St Helenas Ridge before heading back down to the Duck Hole at the Brook. A great run with ups, downs, lookouts and plenty of Sleep Train stretch stations.
I must clarify with Sleep Train that in fact the trains never came up the creek they turn left at the house of ants and came down the fire trail to have a drink.
Sunday 8th February to Saturday 14th February 2009
What was that about consistency? What can I say, i don't want want to waste a weeks worth of excuses all new so I will have to bite the Wicked Witch of the West bullet.
"It was raining. I don't like getting wet"
The rule is clear, you can certainly excuse yourself from a training session. However only if you have never used your current excuse before. It is fair to say with my particularly inconsistent training patterns that creativity has been the name of the game for some years now and even then most often I fall back onto the acceptance of verbal harassment for not good enough and pull out "I don't train if it's precipitating".
Monday 2nd February 2009
First day back for the MonRun. It may have been the fact that it was 35-40 degrees but could not entice any gnomes out to join us. 5 teachers went round the bridges though and all made it back having made use of the plenitude of taps and bublers found round Nepean Ave and River Rd. Backed up with a swim at the Brook after, but only found GPB there on arrival. This combined with my attempt to sink a young learn to swimmer through the process of knocking him out with a headbutt (freestyle induced) kept the distance down for the swim (maybe 1.5km).
Tuesday 3rd February 2009
Dr Phil, Sleep Train & I from the round house on the Spurwood to Sun Valley Circuit. After all my attempts still cant lure Sleep Train into a clockwise circuit! It was noted following our run that there appears to be a significant correlation between Sleep Train referring to his easy runs and my being present for said session. Was bought up and briefly discussed. end result an invitation to a hard session I know I will find an excuse for.
Wednesday 4th February 2009
Morning swim at the Brook. No one else around so I can say I did what ever I like. Lets make it 4km (maybe 2). Would bring up slackness of other members of Lower Blue Mts Marathon Clinic but have in mind my entry for the week that follows this.
Joined Sleep Train and GPB at Toll car park for our 30kms ride along M7 cycle way in arvo. This must be the first ride without 40 degrees or thunder storms. It is actually quite a nice place to ride. Must be noted I no longer expect to see Professor Physiology, so next time he turns up I will get a tremendous surprise.
Thursday 5th February 2009
Morning run from the mansion on marshall. Tried out a new version of basic hill circuit today. Knowing that Sleep Train is always up for a new run (provided it is not on the Tuesday Sleep Train time slot). Headed out towards the twin lookouts following rd to down Mitchells Pass to Lennox Bridge and looping round single track to Marges (or Elizabeth) then tacking link track to Elizabeth (or Marges). From here down steps to Knapsack Bridge down path to bottom of Mitchells and onto Railway access track across to bottom of Old Bathurst Rd. Followed Mt Bike tracks up to top, but ventured up the valley track for the first time rather than drifting out towards the road. A much better track hugging the creek bed (all be it rather dry) up to the top. then home. Will definitely enjoy hearing Mr Crickets expletives when I trick him up this one.
Friday 6th February 2009
Some excuse about Japanese visitors at school yesterday and ridiculous heat. It was new so it counted. No training.
Saturday 7th February
We were joined by Mts running royalty today.
Drove to Dr Phils to begin our run. A trip back in time to reconstruct my first ever encounter with Bullants. Dr Phil, Sleep Train & I were accompanied by not 1 but 2 Dongas today. Out to Martins Lookout down and up to Gunyan and Lost World Lookout along ridge to St Helenas Crater and onto St Helenas Ridge before heading back down to the Duck Hole at the Brook. A great run with ups, downs, lookouts and plenty of Sleep Train stretch stations.
I must clarify with Sleep Train that in fact the trains never came up the creek they turn left at the house of ants and came down the fire trail to have a drink.
Sunday 8th February to Saturday 14th February 2009
What was that about consistency? What can I say, i don't want want to waste a weeks worth of excuses all new so I will have to bite the Wicked Witch of the West bullet.
"It was raining. I don't like getting wet"
Monday, February 2, 2009
Progressive Overload
It has constantly been the introduction of going back to work that has put a significant slow down on progress made through the summer holidays. It seems that it might be OK to calculate your 10% increases through your micro cycles with recovery weeks every 4 to 5 weeks. But work doesn't like to conform to this philosophy. Progressive gets lost in the mix and that simply leaves us with overload.

A combination of 'overload' with no progressive at work and the birth of my 2nd Niece in 2 weeks gave me enough excuses to avoid training today. But look at the photo, I gotta spend time with these 2 when I get the chance.
2 goals for the return to work in 2009. Firstly don't feel guilty if you are only leaving for work at 7.30am, you will be their by 7.40am and still beat 95% of your colleges in. Secondly leave by 4.00pm, by all means there will be work to do at home, but make use of the light to get in the afternoon training session. Any way to the first weeks training with work.
Monday 26th January
A day at the Gnome festival (incorporating the Glenbrook Australia Day Festival or vice versa). No training but at grounds by 5.50am and finished packing up at 7.45pm. It must be said an awful lot of Rotarian's managed to help packing up the food and wine festive section,including me.
Tuesday 27th January
Sleep train apparently a bit tired after his training run over 6ft track so no Tue run from the round house. Cant imagine why this sort of training session might be tiring. But then did see him head of to Tuesday handicap run (6.7km) for his 21km (3n a bit laps) session in arvo.
Managed to get an afternoon run in with Time Dwards from the reno site. Standard summer run along Borea, Railway Pde to Spurwood. Down to fire trail and back round to the track that's not there to finish. 48mins not bad on a hot afternoon.
Wednesday 28th January
AM: a swim at the Brook, solo as no one else turned up. Was joined in the lane during the latter stages of the swim by 'the fem squad' who managed to monster me an make my attempts at swimming resemble the wicked witch under a bucket of water. About 2.5kms and I must note Time Dwards had made it and was swimming 2 lanes over. Information not found out till the change rooms following the swim(s).
PM: the now standard M7 south bound ride from Toll car park along cycleway. No GPB or Professor Physiology today. A comfortable ride with sleep train for company of around 30kms. This must be the first time it hasn't been 40 degrees or raining.
Thursday 29th January
A lesson in shapes for all on our run today. By process of examination and investigation I was in fact able to demonstrate to sleep train that a circle can actually be run in two opposite direction and you will still finish at the same place.
Round the standard summer run today with Time Dwards, sleep train and Dr Phil. But backwards starting down the track that's not there and looping up to Spurwood exit then home. Having run into Shogun towards the end of the run added on a few extra little tracks round the false finish to enable a bit more time running and talking to the stalwart of "Remember Red Points North 08".
An interesting discussion today on run. If DeBono has six thinking hats, but Gardiner has 9 intelligences. Are there in fact 54 hats and do we need to refer to the hardware paint colour charts to name them all? More on this at some future point (maybe).
Friday 30th January

Saturday 31st January
How do you turn 7 into 3? It seems you just need to move the run start from 6.00am to 5.30am. All though with Whooles and Mulls normally running at 3.30am these days I cant see their excuse holding in running court.
Sleep train, Dr Phil & I enjoyed a coolish and well paced meander up the Oaks to Bennetts Ridge, by the way Woody Pear Dam is not worth the side track was our consensus, following Bennetts Ridge down to Euroka via the river track towards the end. Before heading straight up the hill side and along the single track to the causeway and rangers hut. Very cruisy 90minutes but my longest run for a few months, min 2hrs next week has been decided.
Sunday 1st February
Picked up Time Dwards and meet the travel agent and friend of at Yellowmundee for few laps of the Mt Bike course. The serenity of the location constantly broken by outbursts of love for his bike when Time Dwards gears constantly refused to follow the directed change asked for. Still no excuse for the number times he ended up on the dirt or in a bush though.
Turned into 1 and a 1/2 laps but lots of fun.
So it seems that at this juncture in time work hasn't stopped me so far. I'm sure if the Prince reads this he will find some job that might change the stats. Maybe he is trying to draw me to the dark side or maybe he just doesn't want another PE teacher beating him in peg board.
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