Friday, August 27, 2010

Mind Shift

Been pretty lax on the recording of training, start n miss, is the standard cycle. So not going to worry too much if i dont get it all down. Just get it in and get down what i do. Might give the old weekly tally jornal style thing a miss though.

Last weekend, having completed the week of no excuses put in my best run for some time. Billy from Willy in 2:51:##, putting it up there with the recent Glenbrook from Woodford run. In both cases had turned up to run cause I was going this sort of distance in training any way and thought the atmosphere of an event would make it more funna. Both cases found good rythm early and kept building.

More importantly though this song (and the rest of the EP) has got be considered my go to music currently. Cant get enough of it.

1 comment:

Brick said...

Love the song mate.