Monday, September 19, 2011

Caiguna to Madura Revisited

19.9.2006: Caiguna to Madura

Stats: 157.89km, 5hrs 27mins 56sec, 28.8km/hr
Weather: Patchy Cloud, Cool, Tail to Cross Winds

How quickly our perceptions of things adapt and change. It was only a week ago that half our group were celebrating their ride from Northam to Merredin, as their personal longest ride (at a total of 165km). Today a ride of 157km is being described as an easy day by the same people.

We got on to the road early this morning, having finished a quick pack up and breakfast. We were on the road by 6:45am and within 2 minutes it was 7:30am, as we crossed into the next recognised time zone. At this point in time this clearly represents our worst average speed on the road.

As our day progressed the low pressure system in the south ocean that had provided our fabulous tailwinds yesterday. Caught up with us and t our dismay this meant the Westerly winds shifted to South Westerly's and by lunch South South Westerlies. Providing some tricky cross winds at various points.

It was at some pint today riding into these cross winds that I too had a change of perspective as to what was important in completing this ride. That being, to complete this ride. For this to happen I found myself having to discard a number of previously held personal priorities:

Firstly, daily average speeds or even progressive speeds are in fact of minimal significance. As they actually lead to chasing faster times and clearly this does nothing for longevity on a ride like this.

Secondly, pride has no place in this ride. If your hurting, there is no place for pushing up front. Ask for help and ask early. Even if this means sitting on the wheel of someone else twice your age.

Finally, There is no place for competitiveness on this ride. This is in its purest for a team effort. Alone none of us will make it. A tough truth for a PE teacher to swallow.

All things considered, we rolled into Madura around 3:00pm (including time zone adjustments) in good condition. With one final surprise for those of us new to the Nullarbor. Two kilometres before 'town' we came to what temporarily is the edge of the escarpment. With stunning views over the lower platue of grasslands stretched out in front of us. One of those views that you can never capture on a camera. One of the most impressive lookouts I have seen (up with Gross Head Sth). Shared with our second, lone-pania carrying cyclist this tour.

Punctures: Me (0), Group (6)
Brain Snaps: Mild (1), Moderate (0), Max (0)

Seems I need to dress like an adult for a few days as Im sitting in as relieving Deputy Principal for the the last week of this term and the first 3 weeks of next. Wonder if I can push a few more funds PDHPE's way and have no body notice :). Im not actually sure I can be scary enough to do this, guess we will just have to wait and see.

None the less no training for me this morning as I had to manage how to shave and iron clothes in order to get ready for work. Neither task am I particularly familiar with. Fortunately I still managed to find time to pick up my coffee from Morgans on the way through though. Having said this they have not made things easy in changing the location of their entry door. I was geographically challenged for a moment of 2 there. Im going to need to factor in an extra 10 seconds each morning for the extra steps in and out each day.

As for the afternoon run, Im currently sitting on the back deck typing instead of placing Kayanos upon feet and running. Perhaps when SWMBO and Evie return I might drag the running pram out, for now though a song:

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