Friday, September 9, 2011

Filling Time

Need to leave in 20 minutes to pick up Sleep Train for this years running of Woodford to Glenbrook by night and The Renovators is just not doing it for me. Im really looking forward to getting out there for this one in 2011. With a definite need to clear the head following a ridiculous week at work, a sick 10 months old and limited sleep.

Woodford to Glenbrook by night is in it's third year and, despite the rain we have had over the past couple of nights, Im hopeful of a reasonable turn out of locals and travellers. The first year was much larger than expected with 30-40 people enjoying the unseasonably warm conditions put on and the crisp nature of the beverages at the gate post run.

Last year hit the same weekend as two other significant, local trail runs. As such numbers were well down, which may well have been fortunate given the late forced change to the course. Thanks to a person having an 'accident with a freight train. Stopping us at Springwood and requiring a quick adjustment to the run with the 5 of us scheduled for the latter train.

Tonight with the rescheduled coastal classic tomorrow, Im expecting 15-20. But then again who knows with these fat ass events. Your guess is as good as mine.

Whilst on the retrospective, tomorrow marks 5 years to the day that I started my ride from Perth to Sydney in 2006. So to provide me with a chance to revisit the journey as much as any thing. I have decided to publish the diary I kept along the way on a daily basis. Hopefully being able to match those days in the saddle with a resurgence in training leading into the early season tris planned ahead.

For now it's out for the Full Moon Club memorial run. Woodford to Glenbrook by night. A first full moon in Spring event. Enjoy.

Now a song for Evie:

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