Monday, March 23, 2009

Paris, Edinburgh, London great Places To Train

This is what I have been told. I'm still open for discussion on whether or not packing two sets of running gear into your bag counts as training.

That said I will have to state that three weeks traveling through Paris and then through Scotland and England was a great way to spend the middle of first term. even if I did miss my chance to say I told you so at Caves House.

The highlights were too many and include cycling around the streets of Paris at night, climbing the every set of step we could find to look out across as many Cities as we could and standing in front of the actual paintings we read about in text books.

Now I'm home my first attempt at resuming training was a dismal failure. It is a good thing not many Gnomes did the MonRun today. this must be the first time I have failed to run around the bridges. I will accept anyone who want to tell me that I should have expected it only a day after flying for 23 hours home from London. Please as many of you as you like tell me it is OK.

The week, getting back into it and letting Sleep Train talk about his 6ft run at each training session (for this week only then it's time for the buzzer).

1 comment:

Sleep Train said...

Dear Scam
I have had my week of talking about Blue Mountains running ahead of schedule now its back to reality....