Saturday, September 17, 2011

Norseman to Balladonia Revisited

17.9.2006: Noresman to Baladonia

Stats: 192.30km, 7hrs 8mins 28sec, 26.9km/hr
Weather: Warm, Overcast, Dry, Light winds

I am happy to say that today we are truly blessed. As we walked around Noresman yesterday during our rest day we jokingly discussed how pleasant it would be to have clouds with no rain, mid range temperatures and just the slightest touch of a tail wind. For what is the equal longest day of the trip and the start of a week in which we are going to be averaging over 160km a day.

Given the stall scorching heat of the rest day, none of us dared hope for such pleasures. Then as the day dawned things began to stack up in favour of the cyclist.

We rose at 5:00am, to maximise our chances of beating the heat and were softly through breakfast and packing up. To be on the road by 6:20am.

My knees were serving it right up to me early on and thoughts of not being able to sustain this this level of pain for four more weeks certainly passed through my head on a regular interval.

We rode into morning tea having completed the first 50km of the days journeying what seemed like a very quick time, despite the troubles my knees were giving me. Our only stop so far being to have a look at a crop of Sturt Dessert Peas growing by the side of the road.

At morning tea three significant changes happened following much prayer for my knees. All independent of each other three people suggested minor changes that by days end would see my knees much less troublesome:

Firstly Dave had been watching me cycle and suggested I raise my seat a little. Secondly Jim Jim reorganised the group so I was cycling a lot more often closer to the front, were the riding is much more constant without the fluctuations in speed instigated by breaking and accelerating riders in front. Then finally Big Jim talked about taking off my strapping as it now appeared to be contributing to the problem more than reducing it.

By days end the pain had not gone completely, but certainly it was much improved. My personal blessings a log with the groups in weather conditions had made a long day great fun. As we continue our journey into the Nullarbor I look forward to more of the majestic scenery that is the Nullarbor Dessert.

No changes to the current tally's. However today saw the first broken spoke (on the 25km of dirt road/road works to finish today.

Well five years on and Im back into build the cycling kilometres again. Today was a brilliant day on the bike with a lap out and around Greendale-Cobbitty-Chain of Ponds. All up 120km with some fairly significant hills all the way round.

Im sick of watching people ride on by in the triathlons I have done lately so it is all about building strength at the moment. In particular building the muscular endurance Im missing. So the long rides in this base phase are all aimed at overloading the muscles with over gearing the climbs staying seated at all times. This hurt today but it is there to be endured. Knowing that the rewards will be had in months time.

The plan had been hatched late to catch up with Lady GaGa for the ride, so I had not expected to see a multitude of people at the truck stop when I arrived. It turned into a group of 6 riding that ended up really well paced in comparison to each other.

Once again Lapstone Hill beat me on a count back, with the time taken to climb home still slower than I would otherwise like to see. So it's Lappo 2 - Me 0 in the preseason tally.

An afternoon wrestling with Evie topped off a great day. Helping me ignore the same knee niggles I recall from 5 years ago. Time to stretch the Quads and ITB with a song for Evie:

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